The process of creating a gmail account and blogger was easier than I expected it to be, especially once i read through the power points. I expect to learn how to manage my time the most, in an online class it is especially important to make time for every single discussion, quiz, reading assignment and project that is thrown my way. It'll be a challenge to keep track of everything, especially without a physical professor or classroom to remind me. I also expect to learn how to think critically about the way I view the world though learning to interoperate more abstract art as well as considering the time frame in which they were created. All in all, I'm excited to be taking an online class, this is my first completely web based class but I am ready for the challenge.
In the growth mindset videos I really related to the girl who spoke about how important determination was. She talked about how important it is to be apart of study groups and get help when you need it, whether it be from a professor or tutor. Directly after she spoke, another student began to speak about how hard it is the balance his work, personal and school life. I related to that because last semester that was my number one struggle. It seemed like whenever I would focus on one, the other two would suffer, I could never get a balance. This semester, I am determined to find a better balance by working less, studying ahead of time and staying in touch with family and friends. Secondly, I related to the John Legend video. I liked how he spoke about how he never gave up, even when he couldn't succeed at first. He spoke about how he was rejected from record labels for over 4 years but kept at it because he was so passionate about his career. I probably would've given up if I had been in his position. I can relate because whenever I get bad test or homework grades back I am tempted to give up entirely but then I think about my end goal and become re-motivated to do well. Lastly, I related to the fixed and growth mind sets because even though I am always striving to have a growth mindset, it is easy to think that I have it all figured out and want to stop learning and avoid challenges. I believe it is important to get out of the fixed mindset, especially in college classes, in order to work successfully at my full potential.