1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Video #1, Through The Eyes of a Sculptor
I had no idea that sculpting required
so many steps. I thought that sculptors just took to stone with their tools and
began carving. I thought it was interesting to see how the process works, and
how many sculptures are made of clay first, then taken various molds of, then carved
in a work shop and then transported to its final location. I also thought it
was interesting to see how sculptors work in restoration. I did no idea that
they made mold of the old carvings then create an identical one out of square
blocks, I thought that they just touched up the original work. It was very
interesting to see the processes on both parts.
Video #2, Glass and Ceramics
I thought it was
interesting to learn that glass is made from liquid that then stiffens when it
is cold. I also thought it was interesting to learn how they create the final
products. I liked seeing how the artist takes a chuck of the molding out
and blows into a rod until the mold inflates like a bubble. Then in order to shape
it, the artist continuously turns the rod. I’ve seen many videos of this
process on the internet before but it was interesting to learn the
technicalities and nuances behind it. I also learned that the glass cools as it
is being modeled, and therefore needs to be reheated over and over again to
create new shapes.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos relate to the text because we get to visually see how
the process are done instead of just reading about them and looking at
pictures. I am a very visual learner and reading doesn’t always get the point
across to me very well, so the videos about the processes sculptures and other
artists go through to create their final work are always very interesting and
help drive the points of the reading home.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to
understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?
I thought the films were very interesting. They added to my understanding
of the book by visually showing me the steps it takes to create a work of art. I
also liked how the video on sculpting included a scene where the artist
installed his statues in a second location, I thought it was very cool to see
how that was done with big machinery, the book didn’t go into detail on this
step as much as the videos did. After viewing both videos I thought that sculpting
looked fun and that I would like to try my hand at it, starting small and with
clay of course!
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